Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ah....arguing on the internet still makes me feel like I've done nothing

Simple watching American Dad on hulu and I see the episode for Big Trouble in Little Langley. I was just kind of like wow...that's weird. I mean I've been reading Racialicious like alot lately. Because I just love it. Ive been reading Anti Racist parent ( I know I'm 15 but I still enjoy the posts).
So when I saw I went on the internets I wasnt expecting a unanimous decision but like come on!
How is a negative racial stereotype not racist? I mean cmon! It's common sense. But the guy says I'm wrong... I know I'm not.
But Fiona said
Arguing on the internet doesn't prove anyone right. You just end up feeling like a low self-esteemed simpleton. That does for both the winner and loser. By the way I'm Asian and I found that episode to be relatively amusing and not exactly insulting. Sometimes you just have to let these things go.

I don't know this douchebag but why I am so mad? My brother told me to drop it...ok then. Fiona doesnt even want to talk about because she think's theres so much polictal correctness. I hate when people say that. I mean honestly how can you be so oblivious and hide behind that line. You cant go around saying whatever the hell you want without consequences.

But am I really being that sensitive? The two people who read this blog, what do you think? I just idk...


“Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me - I quit."
Bill Maher

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